Calling all artists! One of my awesome sponsors is having a T-shirt design contest, and the prize is $1000! Strathmore (the folks who make artist-grade papers, like Bristol and Artagain) is looking for a design to print on the shirts their team wears to promo events and shows. Here’s what you need to know…

Image Credit:
- Anyone is welcome and encouraged to submit artwork. There is no fee to participate.
- Style, subject matter, and mediums used are at the discretion of the artist. Objectionable content will result in disqualification.
- The Strathmore logo will be added to the winning design by the Strathmore team.
- Strathmore will determine the final layout and placement of the artwork on the t-shirt
- T-shirt and imprint color TBD by Strathmore.
- The winning shirt design will be screen printed in one color. Simple designs will reproduce better and will improve the chances of your design being selected
- Artist retains all copyrights and ownership of original artwork created for this contest. The artist grants Strathmore permission to reproduce artwork on Strathmore Team t-shirts.
- $1,000 and 12 t-shirts to the artist whose artwork is chosen for the Strathmore Team t-shirt
- Three runner-ups will receive $250 retail value of Strathmore Product
The deadline for entry is July 31, 2016. For more details and to submit your artwork, visit
Here’s a little peek at a design I’m working on. Good luck!