Turn a plain white lampshade into a work of art with a dreamy watercolor wash.
I’m using Koi® tube watercolors, made by Sakura. I like these because they contain intense pigment and it’s easy to adapt the consistency to fit my project.2
You’ll need some water in a cup, as well as water in a spray bottle.3
If you’d like, you can use coarse salt to add speckling.4
A disposable container works well to mix paint.5
You’ll also need a plain white fabric lampshade.How to:
First, cover your work area with wrapping paper or newspaper to protect the surface.
I’m choosing to use cool shades of Koi® paint, including Ultramarine, Cobalt, and Cerulean. Sunset hues would be pretty, too. Mix a small dollop of paint with a couple tablespoons of water.
Spritz the lampshade with the water bottle to dampen.
Dip your paintbrush in the darkest color, and touch it to the top of the lampshade, allowing the color to drip down the sides. The wet surface will cause the color to bleed and feather in interesting patterns.
Add a medium shade below the first color. (I found it helpful to hold the lampshade by the metal brace inside.)
Finish with the third and lightest color at bottom.
If you’d like, you can create an interesting speckled effect by sprinkling coarse salt on the wet paint and allowing it to dry.
This is a simple way to add artistic charm to your space!
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