This mobile is magical over baby’s crib or changing table.
How to:
Paint the embroidery hoop.
Punch stars from card stock. You will need two for each star, and 3-6 completed stars for each strand.
Cross clear thread or thin wire in an X across the center of the hoop and tie to the hoop’s sides. Your strands will hang from this.
Cut clear thread into long strands. I decided to use 9. The one in the center is longest, and then the strands get shorter as they go towards the edges of the hoop.
Add glue dots to the center of a card stock star. Stick it to a strand of clear thread, then sandwich another star on top to secure the thread. Fold each half of the star upward to give the star dimension.
Continue adding stars to each strand of thread, then tie the strands to the X thread on the hoop, with the longest in the center.
Hang the hoop from crossed ribbons.
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I love this one too! Perfect for a little boy’s room (would totally work for a girls too). I need to go make some mobiles now. :)